Sunday, November 6, 2011

"The End of the South": Welcome to Gainesville

Dresden Files: Gator Bait
Gainesville, a college town with a Hell of a kick to it...

Over its 100 years, the city of Gainesville, Florida has acquired a rich history of music legends, social change, and a community surrounding the University of Florida at its center. The university is fueled by the vigor and energy of youth, football, and frat parties. And at its fringes, the overwhelming beauty of the natural world seems poised to overrun the edges of town. Its no wonder that the supernatural communities have set up shop here. 

The biggest institution outside the university is the presence of the White Court, who have had this town wrapped around their finger since the college went from seminary to state school in the 1900s. They feed off the frenzy of athletics events and the downtown club scene and aren't planning on leaving their comfortable seat of power anytime soon. 

Gainesville's "homeless problem" is not quite what it seems, either. The Tent Cities dotting the woodlands are actually small tight knit communities of magic users avoiding the eyes of the wizards of the White Council. They aren't evil, but they aren't exactly friendly to outsiders or anyone given off a 'warden' vibe. 

Major leylines between our world and the Nevernever run along the areas of Payne's Prairie to the south and Santa Fe Swamp to the northeast of the city limits. At these lines, the boundaries between the worlds are paper thin, allowing wyldfae and creatures of the Summer and Winter Courts to travel into the wilderness and roam the mortal realm. Along with the changing of the seasons, the winds have turned. A darkness is brewing in town, and the entire supernatural community is feeling it. 

...With tensions high and the safety of the city in question, who will step up and help keep Gainesville and its residents out of harm's way?

And now, little mood music:

Friday, November 4, 2011

Harry Dresdon on: The Magic Community

"The occult community he had in mind was the usual new-age, crystal-gazing, tarot-turning, palm-reading crowd you see in any large city. Most of them were harmless, and many had at least a little ability at magic. Add in a dash of fang-shui artists, season liberally with Wiccans of a variety of flavors and sincerities, blend in a few modestly gifted practitioners who liked mixing religion with their magic, some followers of voodoo, a few Santerians and a sprinkling of Satanists, all garnished with a crowd of young people who liked to wear a lot of black, and you get what most folks think of as the ‘occult community.’

Of course, hiding in there you found the occasional sorcerer, necromancer, monster or demon. The real players, the nasty ones, regarded that crowd the same way a ten-year-old would a gingerbread amusement park."
-The Dresden Files: Death Masks