Friday, November 4, 2011

Harry Dresdon on: The Magic Community

"The occult community he had in mind was the usual new-age, crystal-gazing, tarot-turning, palm-reading crowd you see in any large city. Most of them were harmless, and many had at least a little ability at magic. Add in a dash of fang-shui artists, season liberally with Wiccans of a variety of flavors and sincerities, blend in a few modestly gifted practitioners who liked mixing religion with their magic, some followers of voodoo, a few Santerians and a sprinkling of Satanists, all garnished with a crowd of young people who liked to wear a lot of black, and you get what most folks think of as the ‘occult community.’

Of course, hiding in there you found the occasional sorcerer, necromancer, monster or demon. The real players, the nasty ones, regarded that crowd the same way a ten-year-old would a gingerbread amusement park."
-The Dresden Files: Death Masks